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Get messages

Retrieves messages for a user from the platform.

Query Parameters
bot string REQUIRED

The unique ID of the bot associated with the messages.

uid string REQUIRED

The unique ID of the user associated with the messages.

limit integer

Possible values: value ≤ 100

Limit the number of messages to retrieve.

offset integer

Number of rows to skip from the top of the results table when fetching data.

ticketId string

Get details of a specific ticket

source string

Get tickets from a specific source.



success boolean OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
data object[] OPTIONAL
_id string OPTIONAL

The ID of the message

shouldTranslateMessage boolean OPTIONAL

Indicates whether the message should be translated

created date-time OPTIONAL

The creation timestamp of the message

updated date-time OPTIONAL

The last update timestamp of the message

botId string OPTIONAL

The ID of the bot associated with the message

uid string OPTIONAL

The ID of the user associated with the message

message string OPTIONAL

The content of the message

messageType string OPTIONAL


Type of the user associated with the message

sessionId string OPTIONAL

The ID of the session associated with the message

slug string OPTIONAL

The slug of the message

feedback string OPTIONAL

The feedback associated with the message

source string OPTIONAL

The source of the message

questionId string OPTIONAL

The ID of the question associated with the message

medium string OPTIONAL

The medium of the message

conversationId string OPTIONAL

The ID of the conversation associated with the message

messageTags string[] OPTIONAL

An array of message tags

nodeType string OPTIONAL

The type of the node associated with the message