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Send Ticket

Creates and sends a ticket

Query Parameters
botId string REQUIRED

ID of the bot

Request Body REQUIRED
success boolean
code integer
data object
id integer REQUIRED
ticketId integer REQUIRED
botId string REQUIRED
uid string REQUIRED
source string REQUIRED
contactId string REQUIRED
subject string REQUIRED
priority string REQUIRED
statusId integer REQUIRED
status object
id integer
createdAt date-time
updatedAt date-time
deletedAt date-time
name string
settingId string
groupCode string REQUIRED
xmpp string REQUIRED
assignedTo string REQUIRED
assignedAgent object REQUIRED
id integer
botId string
agentId string
currentAssignedTicketCount integer
maxTicketConcurrency integer
lastTicketAssignedTime date-time
assignedTime date-time REQUIRED
resolvedTime date-time
assignedByAdmin boolean
manualAssignment boolean
lastBotMessageTime date-time REQUIRED
averageResponseTime integer
replyCount integer
userReplyCount integer
customFields object
ticketType integer
createdAt date-time REQUIRED
updatedAt date-time REQUIRED
deletedAt date-time
tags object[]
id integer
createdAt date-time
updatedAt date-time
deletedAt date-time
botId string
code string
name string
settingId integer

Ticket sent successfully

success boolean OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL

Unexpected error

message string OPTIONAL